Information Intelligence Lab
Information and Intelligence Lab (iil) is a research group in the Department of Electrical Engineering (and affiliated with the Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence) at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH).
Our research is centered around the quantification and transmission of information and intelligence. We aim to find fundamental limits, optimal designs, and principled practical implementations of information systems, often by pushing mathematical tools from information theory, coding theory, (convex) optimization, and learning theory in new directions.
Recent News
(10/2024) Invited talk: Huawei Theory Lab "Cross-attention message-passing transformer for error correcting codes"
(10/2024) Funding: LG Electronics, Optimizing homomorphic computations for transformer models (트랜스포머 모델의 동형 연산 최적화 기법)
(09/2024) Invited talk: "Information theoretic limits on high-bandwidth interconnect," Samsung Global Technology Conference
(07/2024) Accepted paper: "Attention-aware semantic communications for collaborative inference," IEEE Internet of Things Journal [link]
(07/2024) 학부 종합설계과제 최우수팀 선정 (김민우, 성현우, 허수범): "시맨틱 통신에서의 액티브 러닝을 활용한 통신 자원 최적화"
(07/2024) TPC: Serving as a TPC for IEEE SECON 2024
(05/2024) Accepted paper: "New private information retrieval codes for imperfect privacy," ICT Express [link]
(05/2024) Preprint: "CrossMPT: Cross-attention message-passing transformer for error correcting codes" [arXiv]
(04/2024) Best Paper Award: 이중 마스크 오류정정부호 트랜스포머, 제 34회 통신정보 합동학술대회 (Joint Conference on Communications and Information) [link]
(04/2024) Invited talk: "Breaking the communication bottleneck by integrating communications and computations," Samsung Global Technology Conference
(04/2024) Accepted poster: "Attention-aware semantic communications for collaborative inference," IEEE Communication Theory Workshop (CTW)
(03/2024) Invited talk: Motorola Mobility "Transformers for communications"
(03/2024) TPC: Serving as a TPC for IEEE Globecom 2024 (Machine Learning for Communications)
(02/2024) Preprint: "Attention-aware semantic communications for collaborative inference" [arXiv]
(02/2024) Invited talk: 한국통신학회 생성형 AI 기반 차세대 통신 네트워크 설계 워크샵, "Semantic-aware and task-oriented communications for and by AI" [link]
(05/2023) Accepted paper: "Generalized LRS estimator for min-entropy estimation," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS) [link]
✷ Media [동아사이언스] [POSTECH]